In honor of World Hepatitis Day 2024, the Hepatitis B Foundation is releasing a new position statement calling for expanded hep B treatment around the world. READ MORE


Survival Rates

The 5-year survival rate from liver cancer varies from about 10% to 14%. This survival rate is low partly because many people with liver cancer also have cirrhosis, which itself is a serious liver disease. Cirrhosis and liver cancer together is a very dangerous combination.

The good news is that survival rates are greatly improved with regular screening for those at high risk (such as people chronically infected with hepatitis B or C), because early detection results in more treatment options.

The 5-year survival rates can be over 50% for people with small, resectable tumors that are removed and who do not have cirrhosis or other serious health problems.

For people with early-stage liver cancer who are able to have a liver transplant, the 5-year survival rate ranges from 60% to 70%.

Additional Information

For more information on survival rates, visit the American Cancer Society website.