In honor of World Hepatitis Day, we released a new position statement calling for expanded hep B treatment around the world.

Click here to read more and speak up for people living with hep B by signing it.

Patient and Provider Opportunities

The Hepatitis B Foundation is pleased to share information about current and upcoming opportunities for people living with hepatitis B and\or D and their providers. These opportunities can be tools and resources, clinical trials, or other research opportunities to learn more from people who have hepatitis B or coinfection with delta.

Survey: Future hepatitis B treatment 

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Are you age 18 or over and living with hepatitis B and interested in sharing your thoughts on future treatment? The Hepatitis B Foundation wants to know what you think about different strategies for possible future administration of hepatitis B treatment. 

Your responses to our anonymous online survey will help inform future drug development for hepatitis B. We would like as many people as possible to complete the survey! 

All responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. The 20-minute survey is available in English, Tagalog, Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic. Please click one of the languages to complete the survey in the language of your choice. If you have any questions, please email Yasmin Ibrahim at Thank you for your help!

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Survey: COVID-19 vaccine perspectives 

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Please consider contributing your time and experience to an important study that focuses on underrepresentation of specific populations in clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccine!   

  • What’s the study about? We want to gain an understanding about the factors that influenced your willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and how different information sources impacted your decision to get vaccinated or not. 
  • Eligibility: Age 18 or older – including people living with hepatitis B and those who are not infected with hep B – who live in African, Southeast Asian, Western Pacific (AAPI), or Latin American countries and U.S. residents of African, Southeast Asian, Western Pacific (AAPI), or Latin American origin.
  • Survey details: Your responses will be anonymous, and the survey takes less than 25 minutes!  

Your insights will help public health and research organizations develop effective communication strategies tailored for your community, which can help enhance inclusion and diversity in future drug development studies! 

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Hepatitis delta research opportunity

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If you are living with hepatitis delta, are at least 18 years old, and live in the United States, Mongolia, Algeria, Morocco, or Argentina, you are invited to participate in a new research opportunity! IQVIA and the Hepatitis B Foundation want to better understand the experience of living with hepatitis delta, including signs, symptoms, and impacts, to ensure that the voices of those with lived experience are included in the development of clinical trials and clinical management. This study does NOT include any treatment and will simply involve a 60-minute phone interview. You will receive compensation for your time! Share your story today - email  


Disclaimer – The opportunities listed on this page do not represent all available opportunities. The Hepatitis B Foundation receives funding to provide information about the specific opportunities listed on this page. The Hepatitis B Foundation follows IRB-approved protocols and our own Corporate Ethics Policy for all listings. If you are interested in having an opportunity listed on this page, please email