In honor of World Hepatitis Day, we released a new position statement calling for expanded hep B treatment around the world.

Click here to read more and speak up for people living with hep B by signing it.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies that test new potential treatments for a disease. Talk to your doctor about clinical trials that could possibly be helpful to you.

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Glossary: HBV = Hepatitis B Virus, CHB = Chronic Hepatitis B, HDV = Hepatitis D Virus, CHD = Chronic Hepatitis D, ALT = Alanine aminotransferase, AST = Aspartate aminotransferase, EOT = End of Treatment, NTCP = Sodium/taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide, LNF-containing regimens = Lonafarnib-containing regimens, PEG-IFN = Pegylated Interferon

Available: Replicor Compassionate Access Program - International

The goal of this compassionate access program is to provide early access to REP 2139-Mg for patients with HBV mono-infection or HBV / HDV co-infection who either have advanced (decompensated) cirrhosis or who have failed to respond to other other antiviral agents either approved or under development and who are in danger of progressing to decompensated cirrhosis. This compassionate access program will provide access to a once weekly regimen of subcutaneously (SC) administered REP 2139-Mg for a period of 48 weeks with the goal of achieving a functional cure of HDV and/or HBV, with the reversal of liver disease in the absence of antiviral therapy. The safety, tolerability and efficacy of SC REP 2139-Mg will be monitored during and after therapy. Contact Andrew Vaillant at +1514.733.1998 or OR Michel Bazinet at +1514.733.1998 or and refer to identifier NCT05683548

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Austria, France, Italy, Israel, Turkey

Recruiting: Study of Bulevirtide in Participants with Chronic Hepatitis D Infection - International

The main goal of this study is to collect post-marketing data from patients with chronic hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection who are treated with bulevirtide (BLV) to describe the long-term effects of BLV treatment and evaluate the safety of participants treated with BLV. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Gilead Clinical Study Information Center at +1-833-445-3230 (GILEAD-0) or and refer to identifier NCT05718700

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Austria
  • Germany
  • France
  • Romania
  • Spain

Recruiting: Study of Bulevirtide in Participants Who Have Normal or Impaired Liver Function - U.S.

The goals of this Phase 1 study are to measure the amount of bulevirtide (BLV) that gets into the blood stream and how long it takes to get rid of it, measure the effect of BLV on bile acids, and evaluate the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of BLV in participants with normal and impaired hepatic (liver) function. Contact Gilead Clinical Study Information Center at + 1-833-445-3230 (GILEAD-0) or and refer to identifier NCT05765344

Currently recruiting participants in:

United States

  • California, Florida, Texas

Recruiting: A Multiple Dose Study of Bulevirtide in Participants with Normal and Impaired Renal Function - U.S.

The goals of this Phase 1 study are to compare the amount of study drug, bulevirtide (BLV), that gets into the bloodstream and how long it takes for the body to eliminate it, measure the effect of BLV on bile acids, and evaluate the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of BLV in participants with normal or impaired renal (kidney) function. Contact Gilead Clinical Study Information Center at +1.833.445.3230 (GILEAD-0) or and refer to identifier NCT05760300.

Currently recruiting participants in:

United States

  • Florida, Minnesota

Recruiting: Improvement of Portal Hypertension During Viral Suppression in Patients with Hepatitis Delta (IMPHROVE-D) - International

Portal hypertension (PH) is one of the key drivers of clinical deterioration in patients with liver cirrhosis. It has been demonstrated that antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection leads to a decrease of PH and is associated with an improved outcome. Recently, bulevirtide (BLV) was approved for the treatment of patients coinfected with hepatitis B (HBV) and chronic hepatitis delta (HDV) infection, and helps to achieve viral suppression in these patients. This study investigates the potential effects of viral suppression from BLV on portal hypertension in participants with chronic HBV/HDV infection and liver cirrhosis. Contact Benjamin Maasoumy at +49511 532 6529 or or Tammo L Tergast at for more information and refer to identifier NCT04863703.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Germany (Hannover)

Recruiting: Observatory Study of Efficacy and Safety of Bulevirtide (Hepcludex) in Patients with Chronic HBV/HDV Co-Infection (BuleDelta) - International

This is a prospective, multicentric, non-comparative study, with a retrospective data collection aiming at evaluating the efficacy and safety of bulevirtide in participants with chronic HBV/HDV co-infection with severe fibrosis injuries, or moderate fibrosis injuries associated with persistent increase of ALT. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Fatoumata Coulibaly at +331 44 23 61 10/ or Claire Fougerou-Leurent at and refer to identifier NCT04166266.

Currently recruiting participants in: 

  • France

Recruiting: Disease Loads and Status of Treatment - International

The aim of this study is to evaluate the current prevalence of HDV infection and comprehensively analyze the interaction between HDV and HBV infections in the era of antiviral therapies in Taiwan. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Chun-Jen Liu at +88697265107 or and refer to identifier NCT05264272.

Currently recruiting participants in: 

  • Taipei City, Taiwan

Recruiting: Evaluation of Patients with Liver Disease, Including Hepatitis Delta – U.S.

This study aims to evaluate, investigate and follow-up with patients suffering from acute and chronic liver disease. Patients participating in the study will first undergo a routine check-up as an outpatient. They will be asked to provide blood and urine samples for laboratory testing and will undergo an ultrasound of the liver. Ultrasound examinations use sound waves to determine the size and texture of the liver. After the initial visit, participants will be requested to follow up once a year at the outpatient department for a similar check-up. Additional tests may be requested throughout the study to provide information for other research studies and individual consent will be requested. These tests may include liver biopsies, skin biopsies, and/or specialized blood, plasma, and lymphocyte examinations. Participants that qualify for medications presently being studied may be offered the opportunity to benefit from experimental therapy. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Patricia E. Alcivar at 301.435.6121/ or Dr. T. Jake Liang at 301.496.1721 or and refer to identifier NCT00001971.

 Currently recruiting participants in:

  • United States - Bethesda, Maryland (National Institutes of Health)

Recruiting: SOLSTICE: Combination Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis D Infection - International

This is a phase 2 trial in which participants with chronic hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection will receive VIR-2218 and/or VIR-3434 and be assessed for safety, tolerability, and efficacy. Contact 415-654-5281 or and refer to identifier NCT05461170.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • Romania
  • Moldova
  • Bulgaria
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Netherlands

Recruiting: Burden of Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Infection in Italy (HDV DESCRIBE) - International

This project intends to establish the contemporary epidemiological and medical context of HDV in immigrants in Italy and to determine the clinical characteristics and needs of the residual cohort of native HDV Italians, through the analysis of all HDV cases recruited in 12 months in a coordinated network of 35 Italian medical centers. The data will provide an appraisal of the burden of hepatitis D in the country and of its impact on the National Health System. They will present the paradigm of the current trend of HDV infection in high-income countries in the world. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Gian Paolo Caviglia at +39 0116333532 or OR Gabriella Zaccone at +39 0116709626 or and refer to identifier NCT05723068

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Italy

Recruiting: Thailand HDV Cohort - International

This study plans to perform a nationwide survey of the prevalence and predictors of HDV among people who use drugs (PWUD) with and without HIV, among MSM and non-MSM who are coinfected with HBV and HIV, and among those living with HBV-related cirrhosis. Findings from this study will provide the scientific community with an understanding of how important HDV is among HBV patients, information which in turn could be used to develop strategies for HDV screening and treatment. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Chatsuda Auchieng at 6626523040 ext 118 or or Pirapon J Ohata at 6626523040 ext 147 or and refer to identifier NCT05350865.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Thailand (Bangkok)

Recruiting: DELTA DESCRIBE: The French Collaborative Project - International

This study's objective is to draw up a photograph of HDV patients over one year in metropolitan France and identify the barriers of screening and care. The investigator suspects a mismatch between HBV and HDV screening, which is the first step for specialized care pathway in metropolitan France. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Sandra Juge at 0555056414, x33 or or Celine Rigaud at and refer to identifier NCT05936073

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • France (Limoges)

Recruiting: Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Biomarkers of Bulevirtide Treatment in Chronic Hepatitis D Patients (SEE-D) - International

The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and specific safety in an observational study of patients with chronic hepatitis D (CHD) with prospective follow-up, with antiviral treatment of 2 mg Bulevirtide (BLV) +/- PEG-IFNα-2a and +/- nucleos(t)ide analog (NA) given as part of the patient's routine medical care. Also, explorative endpoints of biomarkers in peripheral blood, saliva, fecal sample and/or intrahepatic markers/signatures, and quality of life outcomes will be assessed. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Dr. Soo Aleman at +46 72-595 72 25 or and refer to identifier NCT06051045

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Sweden (Stockholm)

Recruiting: HEllenic Multi-Center ReAl-life CLInical Study for Bulevirtide Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis D: HERACLIS-BLV  - International

This study aims to assess the efficacy and safety of bulevirtide (BLV) in chronic hepatitis D patients treated in Greek liver centers. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Dr. George Papatheodoridis at +306946330639 or OR Spyridoula Kardara at 00302107231332 or and refer to identifier NCT05928000

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Greece (Athens)

Recruiting: A Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of HH-003 Injection in Subjects with Chronic Hepatitis Delta Infection - International **

This is a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open-label, Phase IIb study of HH-003 injection. HH-003 injection is a monoclonal antibody targeting hepatitis B virus. This study aims to assess efficacy and safety in participants with chronic hepatitis delta virus infection. Contact Jiaying Wen at +86-13552466248 or OR Mengwei Li at +86-18810689680 or and refer to identifier NCT05861674

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • China (Beijing)

Recruiting: Effectiveness and Safety of Bulevirtide (BLV) Therapy in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis Delta (CHD) in Italy (D-SHIELD)

The primary objective of this study is to describe the virological response to BLV in all patients starting BLV therapy for CHD, defined as a >2 Log decline in HDV-RNA or undetectable HDV-RNA at month 12 of therapy. HDV patients who will start therapy with BLV 2 mg/day from May 2023, according to AIFA guidelines, will be consecutively enrolled. Contact Pietro Lampertico at 0255035432 or and refer to identifier NCT06122285.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Italy (Milan)

Recruiting: Incidence of Viral Hepatitis D Relapses Upon Discontinuation of Bulevirtide in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis D and Negative HDV RNA - International

This observational study will be conducted in patients with chronic co-infection with hepatitis B and D viruses, with negative PCR for HDV RNA in peripheral blood and no signs of active liver inflammation, receiving background therapy with bulevirtide for more than 48 weeks and liver biopsy performed or prescribed to be performed as part of routine practice. After the participant has signed the Informed Consent, a portion of the liver biopsy collected as part of routine practice will be sent to the laboratory for PCR testing for HDV RNA, background therapy with bulevirtide will be interrupted, and the patient will be observed in the clinic in accordance with routine medical practice, but at least one time every four weeks, for timely detection of relapse of the hepatitis D and initiation of antiviral therapy. Once a relapse of viral hepatitis D is determined via the PCR HDV RNA, the individual's participation in the study will be terminated. The collected data will be analyzed to assess the probability of relapse over time. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Pavel Bogomolov at +7 495 320 06 66 or and refer to identifier NCT06121427.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Russian Federation (Moscow)

Recruiting: Find HDV and Determine Its Status in Turkey - International

The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infections and the prognosis of HDV patients in Turkey's southeast. The investigators intend to arrange training sessions for 250 family physicians in Diyarbakir, Batman, Mardin, and Sanliurfa, in order to achieve this goal and to ensure that participants with simultaneous HDV infection are evaluated for HIV/HCV and have liver fibrosis detected with a non-invasive method. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Yaşar Bayındır at 00905323659909 or OR Mustafa Kemal Çelen at 00905336207022 and refer to identifier NCT06248580.

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Turkey

Recruiting: D-SOLVE Cohorts (Cohort A and B) (HDV750) - International

This multicenter cohort should enable a comprehensive and unbiased biomarker screening of well-defined individuals living with hepatitis delta, followed by mechanistic studies to determine the functional role of distinct molecules. Patient surveillance strategies and antiviral treatment approaches could be personalized which should reduce clinical and social disease burden, improve quality of life, and save direct and indirect costs caused by HDV infection. This is an observational study and does not offer any treatment. Contact Petra Doerge at +495115326057 or OR Julia Kahlhöfer at and refer to identifier NCT06160635

Currently recruiting participants in:

  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Romania
  • Sweden

Recruiting: Study of Hepalatide in Chronic Hepatitis D (CHD) Patients - International

This is a phase 2a clinical study of Hepalatide for injection in individuals living with chronic hepatitis D. This is a four-arm parallel-group, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter study. The CHD participants who meet the eligibility criteria will be randomly assigned 1:1:1:1 to receive either the placebo or investigational drug (2.1 mg, 4.2 mg, or 6.3 mg), with 6 participants per group. The placebo or the corresponding dose of the investigational drug will be given for four consecutive weeks, followed by a four-week follow-up period. Participants will be given entecavir for the treatment of hepatitis B infection during and after the end of the trial. Contact Xiaolu Tang at 86-21-68412368 ext. 609 or OR Xian Gao at 86-21-68412368 ext. 605 or and refer to identifier NCT05827146

Currently recruiting participants in: 

  • China (Xinjiang) and Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar)

Active, Not Currently Recruiting: Study to Determine the Response to COVID-19 Vaccination and Prevalence of COVID-19 in Subjects with Chronic Liver Disease - U.S.

The COVID-19 global pandemic killed more than six million people worldwide. Several vaccines have been developed against the virus that causes this disease. These vaccines are effective at preventing severe symptoms and death from COVID-19. Some people with chronic liver disease, especially those with an advanced condition called cirrhosis, do not respond to many vaccines as well as healthy people do. The goal of this natural history study is to find out how well people with chronic liver disease respond to the COVID-19 vaccines and how chronic liver disease affects the body's immune response to vaccination against COVID-19. 

Active, Not Currently Recruiting: Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Peginterferon Lambda for 48 Weeks in Patients with Chronic HDV (LIMT-2) - US & International **

The Phase 3 LIMT-2 study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of peginterferon lambda treatment for 48 weeks with 24 weeks follow-up compared to no treatment for 12 weeks in participants chronically infected with HDV. The primary analysis will compare the proportion of participants with HDV RNA < LLOQ (lower limit of quantitation or the lowest amount of a substance that can be detected in a sample) at the 24-week post-treatment visit in the peginterferon lambda treatment group vs the proportion of participants with HDV RNA < LLOQ at the Week 12 visit in the no-treatment comparator group. 

Active, Not Currently Recruiting: Phase 3 Clinical Study to Assess Efficacy and Safety of Bulevirtide (Hepcludex) in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis Delta

This study is designed to assess the long-term efficacy and safety of bulevirtide for treatment of CHD in comparison with delayed treatment. 

Active, Not  Currently Recruiting: Once Daily Dosing of Lonafarnib Co-Administered with Ritonavir for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis D Virus Infection (LOWR6)

The purpose of this Phase 3 study is to evaluate the effect of once daily dosing of lonafarnib 50 mg with ritonavir 200 mg over a 48-week treatment period with a 24-week post-treatment follow-up on HDV viral levels. 

Active, Not Currently Recruiting: A Study of JNJ-73763989 + Nucleos(t)ide Analog in Participants Co-Infected with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis Delta Virus (REEF-D)

JNJ-73763989 is a liver-targeted antiviral therapeutic for subcutaneous injection designed to treat chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection via a ribonucleic acid interference mechanism. This Phase 2 study is designed to evaluate safety and efficacy of JNJ-73763989 in HBV-infected participants who are co-infected with HDV. 

Not Yet Recruiting: Prevalence and Burden of Hepatitis D Virus Infection in China Through Preoperative Examination Test (Predict Study) - International

The purpose of this study is to test HDV-Ab/RNA for 5000 HBsAg reactive samples from 10 major tertiary hospitals and to understand the prevalence and disease burden of HDV in China at a national level. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. No contacts or locations are listed for this study at this time. 

Not Yet Recruiting: Registry-Based Study in Patients with Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Infection in China - International

This is an observational, noninterventive, registry study, meaning that no treatment will be offered to participants. Patients diagnosed with HDV infection (based on positive HDV RNA) are included in this study and followed for at least 5 years to evaluate their disease progression and clinical outcomes (including liver transplantation, hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC], liver decompensation, and cirrhosis). Contact Dr. Lai Wei at +86-10 5611 8881 or or Feng Xue at +86-18810799293 or and refer to identifier NCT05451082.

Will recruit participants in:

  • China (Beijing)

Not Yet Recruiting: A Study to Compare P1101 Plus TAF With or Without UDCA in Patients with HBV and HDV Coinfection - International

This is an open-label, randomized, multi-center Phase 2 study in patients with chronic HBV and HDV co-infection. There will be two treatment groups in this study, with 15 participants per group as follows: Group 1: TAF (Tenofovir) 25 mg orally (PO) QD for 60 weeks with P1101 450 µg subcutaneously (SC) Q2W add-on at treatment week 12 for 48 weeks; Group 2: Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA)* 15 mg/kg orally (PO) QD plus TAF 25 mg orally (PO) QD for 60 weeks, with P1101 450 µg subcutaneously (SC) Q2W add-on at treatment week 12 for 48 weeks. Both groups will have a post-treatment follow-up of 24 weeks. Contact Pei-Jer Chen at 886-2-23123456 ext 67072 or and refer to identifier NCT05467553.

Will recruit participants in: 

  • Taiwan (Taipei)

Not Yet Recruiting: Patient Knowledge, Beliefs & Barriers to Hepatitis D Care - International

This is a project to understand the determinants of health behavior among those with chronic hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection, under the care of the viral hepatitis service at Kings College Hospital (KCH). This is to improve and implement pathways and patient information distribution to improve access to care in an ethnically diverse population living with HDV in the UK. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Sital Shah at 02032999000, x35714 or and refer to identifier NCT06017375

Will recruit participants in:

  • UK (London)

Not Yet Recruiting: Standardizing Care for Hepatitis Delta in the Netherlands (DREAM-2) - International

The objective of this study is to generate prospective follow-up data to increase our understanding of hepatitis delta. The study will span five years, during which we will collect standard clinical data as well as blood samples and quality of life questionnaires from participants living with hepatitis delta. Researchers will be looking for incidence of liver-related events (liver cancer, (decompensation of) cirrhosis, liver transplantation) during follow-up and changes in markers of viral replication, inflammatory activity, and liver stiffness over time. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. No contacts or locations have yet been provided for this study. 

Not Yet Recruiting: Peginterferon Lambda and Lonafarnib Boosted with Ritonavir 48-Week Combination Therapy for Delta Hepatitis - U.S.

The purpose of this study is to test a combination of three drugs in people with chronic hepatitis D. Participants will be in the study for about two years. They will have three inpatient stays of 3 to 5 days. Participants will be screened. They will have a physical exam with blood tests. They will have a test of their heart function and an ultrasound, i.e. a wand that uses sound waves to create images of the liver will be rubbed over the skin on their torso. Participants will stay in the clinic for a 3-day baseline visit. They will have imaging scans, an eye exam, and a visit with a reproductive specialist. They will have a liver biopsy: About 1 inch of liver tissue will be removed, either with a tube inserted through a vein in the neck, or with a needle inserted through the participant's side. Participants will take the study drugs for 48 weeks. Two of them are tablets taken twice a day at home; one is a shot administered once a week. Participants will begin taking the drugs during a 5-day stay in the clinic. Then they will have 15 outpatient visits while taking the drugs and seven more after they finish. The last 3-day clinic stay will be six months after participants finish taking the drugs. The liver biopsy, imaging scans, and other tests will be repeated. Contact Jaha F. Norman-Wheeler at (301) 435-6122 or OR Dr. Christopher Koh at (301) 443-9402 or and refer to identifier NCT05953545

Will recruit participants in: 

  • United States (Bethesda, Maryland)

Not Yet Recruiting: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Complex of Carnitine Orotate and Biphenyl Dimethyl Dicarboxylate in the Adjuvant Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis D In Real Clinical Practice: A Prospective Cohort Study  - International

The goal of this observational study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the carnitine-orotate complex and biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate in the adjuvant (given after the main treatment) therapy of chronic hepatitis D in real clinical practice. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Aigul Dzhumabaeva at +77015122326 or and refer to identifier NCT06068140. 

Will recruit participants in:

  • Kazakhstan

Not Yet Recruiting: HDV-Europe: Prevalence and Outcomes of HDV in HIV/HBV Co-Infection - International

The aim of this project is to set up a cross-sectional cohort study to assess the implementation of EACS guidelines for HDV-testing among people living with HIV (PLWH) with positive HbsAg, and thereby evaluate the prevalence of HDV infection among HIV/HBV-coinfected populations in 2023, as well as corresponding risk factors. In addition to the testing itself, this study will also set up a cohort and database for future HDV studies among PLWH, including clinical, virological, and laboratory parameters. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. Contact Jürgen Rockstroh at +491716575969 or and refer to identifier NCT06264583

Will recruit participants in:

  • Germany (Bonn)

Not Yet Recruiting: MIGrant Reflex Test HDV (MIGRED) Project **

The research team for this project has executed a robust strategy to improve viral hepatitis detection and linkage to care in migrants. The hypothesis for this study is that the extension of the model to three other large university clinical centers operating in southern Italy and the use of HDV reflex testing for participants living with hepatitis B will improve knowledge about the prevalence of HDV in migrants living in southern Italy and coming from areas where HDV is common. It is expected to enroll at least 7500 participants. The project will last 18 months. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. It is meant only to diagnose individuals living with hepatitis delta and connect them to appropriate care. Contact Nicola Coppola at +390815666223 or OR Laura Occhiello at +393282715100 or and refer to identifier NCT06539052. No location information is yet listed for this study.

Not Yet Recruiting: Constitution of a Biological Collection to Establish Preclinical Translational Models for the Study of Tumors and Chronic Liver Diseases (LivMOD) - International

Development of preclinical translational models for chronic liver tumors and disease study, such as spheroids cultured in autologous medium and murine xenograft models to test the efficacy of new therapeutic strategies. This is an observational study and no treatment will be offered to participants. No contacts or locations are yet listed for this study.

Clinical Trial Process

Clinical Trial Process FlowChart

Learn more about all current hepatitis delta clinical trials.

Additional Resources is a service of the National Institutes of Health that provides a list of all the clinical trials that are being carried out in the United States and abroad. You can search for a clinical trial by disease, drug therapy, or trial location. offers a free search service by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) to help you find a clinical trial that may be right for you.

Hepatitis B Clinical Trials Page is a list of clinical trials specific for hepatitis B that is updated each month by the Hepatitis B Foundation.

Updated May 2024