Webinar Recordings
Addressing HIV & Hep B Inequities in African Immigrant Communities: A State-Level Conversation
Under-Screened and Unexplored: Hepatitis Delta in Sub-Saharan Africa (June 2024)
Highlighting the Work of the African Caribbean Cancer Consortium Webinar (May 2024)
Hepatitis B Advocacy in Africa Webinar: Case Studies from Ghana and Nigeria (December 2023)
Effectively Addressing High Rates of Liver Cancer in African Communities (October 2023) - Slides from this presentation: Dr. Rothstein
Official Recognition of NAIRHHA Day: What It Means and Why It Matters (September 2023)
Unlocking Viral Hepatitis Elimination on the African Continent (September 2022)
Addressing Myths & Misconceptions about Hepatitis B among African Immigrant Communities around the United States. Co-hosted by CHIPO and Hep B United. (April 2022) - Slides from This Presentation: Dr. Olorunseun Ogunwobi; Dr. Ganiat Sarumi Disu & Mrs. Oluwatoyin Adedokun
Understanding Disparities in Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer Knowledge & Screening Rates Among Highly Impacted Communities Around the United States. Co-hosted by CHIPO and Hep B United. (March 2022) - Slides from this presentation found here.
Eliminating HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis Inequities Among African Immigrant Communities in the US: A Conversation with Federal & Local Partners (September 2021)
Hepatitis B Educational Resources for African Communities. Co-hosted by CHIPO and Hep B United. (May 2021) - Slides from This Presentation: Hepatitis B Educational Resources for People of African Origin (Kari Sapsis); African Services Committee (Danait Yemane)
Linkage to Care and Treatment for Persons Living with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in Dar es-Salaam and Zanzibar, Tanzania. Co-hosted by CHIPO and Hep B United. (March 2021) - Slides from this presentation found here.
The Impact of COVID-19 on African Immigrants Living in New England: A PhotoVoice Project (Feb 2021)
Hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan Africa. Co-hosted by CHIPO and Hep B United (Feb 2018)