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  • Journal Articles on Hepatitis B Research, Vaccination and Public Education

    Here is a selection of peer-reviewed journal articles and other scholarly publications co-authored by Hepatitis B Foundation public health researchers. Cohen, C., Evans, A.A., Block, T.M. (2023). Hepatitis Viruses: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis D. In: Kaslow, R.A., Stanberry, L.R., Powers, A.M. (eds) Viral Infections of Humans. Springer, New York, NY. [link] McMahon B, Cohen C, Brown RS, et al. Opportunities to Address Gaps in Early Detection and Improve Outcomes of Liver Cancer [published online ahead of print, 2023 May 5]. JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2023;7(3):pkad034. [link] Lim Y-S, WR Kim, Dieterich D, et al. Evidence for Benefits of Early Treatment Initiation for Chronic Hepatitis B 18April2023 Viruses 2023, 15(4), 997; [link] CDA Foundation; Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination, Hepatitis Australia, The Hepatitis Fund; Hepatitis B Foundation, Medicins Sans Frontieres Access Campaign, etc. (2022) An open letter to Gavi: hepatitis B birth dose vaccine can’t wait The Lancet: GastroenterolHepatol 5Dec2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-1253(22)00422-8 [link] Ha YP, Sun Y, Wilkinson J, Wang S, Chien L, Wu M, Wang E, Freeland C (2022) Implementation and outcomes of a remote hepatitis B screening program designed to overcome COVID-19 pandemic-related disruptions to community-based screenings for Asians in Greater Philadelphia: A descriptive study Health Science Reports    8August2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.761 [link] Kheir OO, Freeland C, Abdo AE, Yousif MEM, Altayeb EA, Mekonnen HD (2022) Assessment of hepatitis B knowledge and awareness among the Sudanese population in Khartoum State Pan African Medical Journal  10.11604/pamj.2022.41.217.30390 [link] Ibrahim Y, Cohen C, Araojo R, Merenda C, Dykstra S, et al (2022) Attitudes towards clinical trial participation among people living with chronic hepatitis B. J Transl Sci. 2022; 8:1-10. Epub ahead of print. [link] Freeland C, Mendola L, Cheng V, Cohen C, Wallace J (2022) The unvirtuous cycle of discrimination affecting people with hepatitis B: a multi-country qualitative assessment of key-informant perspectives. Int J Equity in Health. 2022 May 31;21(1):77. [link] Matthews PC, Jack K, Wang S, Abbott J, Bryce K, Cheng B, Ghosh I, Story A, Chen J, Munoz C, Bell J, Riddell S, Goldring A, Goddard C, Moraras K, Cohen C, Brown K, Lazarus JV, Elsharkawy AM (2022) A call for advocacy and patient voice to eliminate hepatitis B virus infection. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Apr;7(4):282-285. [link] Silliman M, Alber M, Gib S, Gee M, Conover S, Chan C, Cohen C, Freeland C, Racho R (2022) Comparing lengths and inclusion of information in storytelling videos: Implications for hepatitis B education. PEC Innovation. Online ahead of print. [link] Freeland C, Mendola L, Cheng V, Cohen C, Wallace J (2022) The unvirtuous cycle of discrimination affecting people with hepatitis B: a multi-country qualitative assessment of key-informant perspectives. International Journal for Equity in Health [link]  Huynh TB, Nguyen DT, Vu N, Freeland C (2021) Development of health and safety training for Vietnamese American nail salon owners and workers medRxiv [link] C Freeland, M Kamischke, M Jackson, S Bodor, T Block, C Cohen, et al (2021). Common concerns, barriers to care, and the lived experience of individuals with hepatitis B: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health [link] Gish RG, Brosgart C, Lok A, Wong R, Block T, Cohen C, et al (2021) An Updated Assessment of Chronic Hepatitis B Prevalence among Foreign-Born Persons Living in the United States. Hepatology [link] Wang S, Cohen C, Tang A, Graham C (2021). Hepatitis B Virus Elimination in the U.S.: Time to Dismantle Barriers and Implement Solutions. Current Hepatology Solutions [link] Razavi H, Block, T, Cohen, C, et al (2020). The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals. Journal of Viral Hepatitis [link] Moraras K, Block J, Shiroma N, Cannizzo A, Cohen C (2020). Protecting the Rights of Health Care Students Living With Hepatitis B Under the Americans With Disabilities Act. Public Health Reports. [link] Tu T, Block JM, Wang S, Cohen C, Douglas MW (2020). The lived experience of chronic hepatitis B: a broader view of its impacts and why we need a cure. Viruses [link]  Freeland C, Bodor S, Perera U, Cohen C Barriers to Hepatitis B Screening and Prevention for African Immigrant Populations in the United States: A Qualitative Study. Viruses 2020:12(3), 305. [link] Alber JM, Cohen C, Racho R, Freeland C, Ghazvini S, Tolentino B, Almeida R, & Silliman M (2020) Exploring the impact of storytelling on storytellers in a hepatitis B health communication context. Patient Education & Counseling. [link] Alber JM, Cohen C, Bleakley A, Ghazvini S, Tolentino B, Almeida R, & Chance BL (2019). Comparing the effects of different story types and speakers in hepatitis B storytelling videos. Health Promotion Practice. [link] Alber JM, Cohen C, Nguyen G, Ghazani S, Tolentino B (2018). Exploring communication strategies for promoting hepatitis B prevention among young Asian American adults. Journal of Health Communication; 16:1-7. [link] Freeland C, Cohen C, Collier M (2018). Public health response to hepatitis B exposure: A case study on gaps and opportunities to improve postexposure care. Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice; 26(4):185-186. [link] Cohen, C, Alber, JM, Bleakley, A, Grossman, S, Freeland, C, Alarcon, K, Merchant, R (2018). Social media for hep B awareness: Young adult and community leader perspectives. Health Promotion Practice. Advanced online publication. [link] Alter H, Block T, Brown N, Brownstein A, Brosgart C, Chang K-M, Chen P-J, Chisari F, Cohen C, et al. (2018). A Research Agenda for Curing Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Hepatology; 67(3):1127-1131. [link] Block T, Alter H, Brown N, Brownstein A, Brosgart C, Chang K-M, Chen P-J, Cohen C, et al. (2017). Research priorities for the discovery of a cure for chronic hepatitis B: Report of a workshop. Antiviral Research; 150:93-100. [link] Cohen C, Evans AA, Huang P, London WT, Block J, Chen G (2016). Hepatitis B knowledge among key stakeholders in Haimen City, China: Implications for addressing chronic HBV infection. Hepatology, Medicine and Policy, 1(4):2-9. [link] Jorgensen C, Chen S, Carnes CA, Block J, Chen D, Caballero J, Moraras K, Cohen C (2016). “Know Hepatitis B:” A Multilingual Communications campaign Promoting Testing for Hepatitis B Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Public Health Reports, 2016 Supplement 2, v131: 35-40. [link] McMahon B, Block J, Block T, Cohen C, Evans AA, Hosangadi A, London WT, Sherman M, et. al. (2015). Hepatitis-Associated Liver Cancer: Gaps and Opportunities to Improve Care. JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst, 108(4):1-6. [link] Gish RD, Cohen CA, Block JM, Brosgart CL, Block TM, Clary R, Le LT, Ninburg MH, Sandt L, Kowdley KV (2015). Data supporting updating estimates of the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B and C in the United States. Hepatology, 62(5):1339-1341. [link] Evans AA, Cohen C, Huang P, Qian L, London WT, Block JM, Chen G (2015). Prevention of perinatal hepatitis B transmission in Haimen City, China: Results of a community public health initiative. Vaccine; epub ahead of print, pii: S0264-410X(15)00111-5. doi: 10.1016/j. Vaccine 2015.01.054. [link] Weerasinghe I, Bannister N, Huang V, Cohen C, Caballero J, Wang S (2015). The role of the patient-centered medical home in addressing hepatitis B perinatal transmission. AAPI Nexus, 12(1,2): 140-160. [link] Chen G, Block JM, Evans AA, Huang P, Cohen C (2014). Gateway to Care campaign: a public health initiative to reduce the burden of hepatitis B in Haimen City, China. BMC Public Health, 14:754-759. [link] Beckett GA, Block JM, Cohen C, McMahon BJ (2014). The role of primary care physician assistants in managing chronic hepatitis B. Journal of the American Association of Physician Assistants, 27(3):51-54. [link] Nguyen GT, Cohen C, Evans A, Bautista R (2014). Broadening the scope for national database sampling: a critical need. American Journal of Public Health, 104(2):e3. [link] Cohen C, Caballero J, Martin M, Weerasinghe I, Ninde M, Block J (2013). Eradication of Hepatitis B: A Nationwide Community Coalition Approach to Improving Vaccination, Screening, and Linkage to Care. Journal of Community Health, 38(5):799-804. [link] Evans AA, London WT, Gish RG, Cohen C, Block WT (2013). Chronic HBV Infection Outside Treatment Guidelines: Is Treatment Needed? Antiviral Therapy, 18(2):229-235. [link] Apuzzio J, Block JM, Cullison S, Cohen C, Leong SL, London WT, McHugh JA, Neubauer RL, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon BJ (2012). Chronic Hepatitis B in Pregnancy: A Workshop Consensus Statement on Screening, Evaluation, and Management, Part 1. The Female Patient, 37(4):22-27. Apuzzio J, Block JM, Cullison S, Cohen C, Leong SL, London WT, McHugh JA, Neubauer RL, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon BJ (2012). Chronic Hepatitis B in Pregnancy: A Workshop Consensus Statement on Screening, Evaluation, and Management, Part 2. The Female Patient, 37(5):30-34. McHugh JA, Cullison S, Apuzzio J, Block JM, Cohen C, Leong SL, London WT, McNellis RJ, Neubauer RL, Perrillo R, Squires R, Tarrant D, McMahon BJ (2011). Chronic hepatitis B infection: A workshop consensus statement and algorithm. Journal of Family Practice, Online Exclusive. 60(9):E1-E8. [link] Evans AA, Cohen C, London WT (2011). Hepatitis B Virus in the United States. Annals of Internal Medicine, 155(3):205. [link] Cohen C, McMahon BJ, Block JM, Brosgart CL, Gish RG, London WT, Block TM (2011). Is chronic hepatitis B being undertreated in the United States? Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18:377-383. [link] Cohen C, Evans  A, London WT, Block J, Conti M, Block T (2008). Underestimation of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States of America. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 15(1):12–13. [link] Jessop A, Cohen C, Burke M, Conti M, Black M  (2004). Hepatitis support groups: Meeting the information and support needs of hepatitis patients. Journal of Gastroenterology Nursing, 27(4):163-169. [link] 
